Monday, October 27, 2008

Long-term culture of muscle explants from Sparus aurata

Funkenstein, B., Balas, V., Skopal, T., Radaelli, G., Rowlerson, A.
Tissue and Cell 23 (2006) 399-415


This paper is about the development of a fish myoblast cell line from Sparus aurata fry muscle explants. The mechanisms of somatic growth and development, regulated by hormones, growth factors, and cytokines, are relatively well conserved among vertebrates. Fish skeletal muscle, like all vertebrate muscle, develops from myoblasts in the somatic mesoderm, and they can continue to grow significantly into juvenile life through continuous hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Hyperplasia is the proliferation of cells within an organ or tissue beyond that which is normally seen, and can result in the gross enlargement of an organ/tissue. Hyperplasmic growth of muscle refers to an increase in muscle due to the formation of new fibers from myogenic precursor cells. Hypertrophy is the increase in the size of an organ or area of tissue due to an increase in the size of cells, not a change in the number of cells. Hypertropic growth requires existing fibers to acquire additional nuclei, which they can do by fusing with mononucleate myoblasts. It has not yet been fully established if the same or different myogenic precursors underlie these two growth mechanisms. Many labs have previously attempted to develop primary cultures of fish myoblasts to further investigate this, however, although the myoblasts can be isolated and grown in culture, they do not proliferate. The authors of this paper were successful in developing a culture system of proliferative fish muscle cells.
In order to create the cell cultures, they took white muscle explants from Sparus aurata fry. The explants were cultured in both sterile cell culture flasks and on glass cover slips. After various culture periods the explants were either dehydrated, embedded in paraffin and sliced using a microtome, fixed to the cover slips and stained using immunohistochemistry, or solublized in order to study proteins. Anti-PCNA was used to assess cellular proliferation, and the TUNEL assay was used to follow apoptosis in the original muscle fibers. Early differentiation was tracked by staining with anti-Myf5, and terminal differentiation by staining for desmin, myosin and parvalbumin. RT-PCR was also performed on some muscle explants to study gene expression.
The results of this study show that muscle explants from Sparus aurata can be grown in long-term culture. New fibers will appear as the original ones degenerate. The in vitro system mimics parts of the in vivo situation of damaged muscle and subsequent regeneration. The system should be useful for studying the interaction between growth inhibitors, like MSTN, and growth factors, like IGFs, as well as for studying fish muscle cell precursors.

This article is important because it is declaring the development of a new cell line from primary tissue. Use of this new cell line in future studies could provide further insight into muscle regeneration and myogenic precursor proliferation. This may eventually lead to promising future research in human skeletal muscle/muscle regeneration. The development of new cell lines is important in and of itself because it could positively impact research involving in vitro cultured cells. New cell lines could be used to help validate previous experiments by providing new environments in which researchers can test their hypothesis. They can also enable studies that were previously difficult to conduct, for example the effect of IGFs on fish skeletal muscle cells should now be easier to follow.
Additionally, many of the techniques used in this study were covered in class. This is a great application of the tools we have been learning to use in lab! Yay!


Shyam said...

I'm a bit confused regarding the results of this paper. You mention in the beginning that it is unknown if the same myogenic precursors are responsible for hyperplasmic and hypertrophic growth. Did the authors address this at all in the paper, or were they solely focused on creating a viable, long-term cell line?

Also, what exactly did the authors do 'differently' in order to make this viable line? It was mentioned that in previous experiments, cells did not proliferate in culture; what was unique in this experiment to establish a long-term culture?

It is also of concern that the cell line is derived from a fish, not a human. Are there enough overlapping markers or similarities in growth factors and such between human/fish myogenic lines to establish a definitive conclusion? Evolutionarily speaking, fish are much less related to humans than, say, mice.

James said...

Are muscle cell lines really hard to grow, or is this unique because its from a fish? Also, why the Sparus aurata? Maybe its simply because there's a lot of them and so they are easy to access/harvest. Lastly, you mentioned the researchers explanting "white muscle." Is the muscle they used the fast twitch fibers, and any idea why culture this type?

alan2wilk said...

could you explain the difference between successful cell isolation/growth and cell proliferation. is the success of proliferation due to the type of fish/muscle cell used or was it a result of something discovered during the anti PCNA staining.

Jennifer Brophy said...

To Shyam: The authors were trying to create a viable, long-term cell line that was capable of proliferating. They wanted to create this cell line in order to determine if the same myogenic precursors underlie both hypertrophic and hyperplasmicgrowth.
In previous studies researchers tried to make proliferative cells lines using isolated fish myoblasts, the authors of this paper used whole muscle explants to create the cell line
As for relevance: "Somatic growth and development is regulated by coordination between hormones, growth factors, and cytokines.
Although species-specific differences often exist, the participating factors and their mechanisms of action are generally well conserved among vertebrates."

To James: There have been many primary cell culture studies done on fish myoblasts, however proliferative fish muscle cell lines have previously been difficult to create. I'm not sure why they chose to use Sparus aurata, they didn't give a specific reason in the paper. Yes, white muscle does create the "fast twitch" movement used to help fish swim. White muscle and red muscle (both found in fish) have different functions and utilize different proteins. Although studying the two different muscle types may be interesting, i am not sure why they chose to study white muscle over red.

To Alan: I believe the successful isolation/growth was in reference to previous studies in which myoblasts were studied for short periods of time as primary cell cultures. Successful proliferation means the cells were able to divide differentially into specific types of muscle cells. Its not entirely clear what specifically resulted in the success of this cell line.

DanR said...

I am curious what a TUNEL assay is and how it follows apoptosis? Also do the results only indicate hyperplasmic growth or was there also an indication for hypertrophic growth? Was there any discussion of how the genomic/proteomic profile differs in the two proliferation or what types of assays can distinguish between the two?