Biomechanical and microstructural characteristics of a collagen film-based corneal stroma equivalent
Rachael A.B. Crabb, M.S.[1]; Eric P. Chau[1]; Michael C. Evans, B.S.[2]; Victor H. Barocas, Ph.D.[1]; Allison Hubel, Ph.D.[3]
[1]Department of Biomedical Engineering; University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, Minnesota.
[2]Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science; University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, Minnesota.
[3]Department of Mechanical Engineering; University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The cornea is the most commonly transplanted tissue in the United States; with over 32,000 transplants every year, supply is unable to meet the demand, leading research towards tissue-engineered implants. The majority of the cornea’s focusing power is from the corneal stroma, which consists of numerous layers of organized collagen lamellae. Because of this, a corneal implant, called a keratoprosthesis, must replace the corneal stroma and mimic its properties.
Cornea engineering has already been performed by seeding human stromal fibroblasts onto collagen sponges, resulting in cells that behave similarly to their native counterparts in respect to their layers and shape. In vivo, the modulus of the cornea ranges from 3 to 13 MPa; in comparison, the modulus of the sponge ranges from 364 ± 41 Pa to 177 ± 75 Pa. In order to improve the biomechanical properties of these stroma replacements, these sponges must be strengthened or an entirely different material is needed. One potential alternative is the use of collagen films as a scaffold for engineered stroma.
Before seeding with fibroblasts, the surface of the collagen film was packed with fibers that exhibited no organization (Fig. 1). Two hours after seeding, a cross-section revealed these densely-packed collagen fibers were parallel to the film surface. The fibroblasts seeded on this film produced extracellular matrix (ECM) fibers with diameters between 35 to 75 nm, which is comparable to the fibers produced in the native cornea, where the fibril diameter is 70.5 ± 6.3 nm. In addition, human stromal fibroblasts that were seeded on these collagen films exhibited the same shape as native fibroblasts.Fig. 1: A) Surface of an unseeded collagen film. B) Cross-section of collagen film 2 hours after seeding.
Using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the microstructure of the film-derived stroma replacement was determined to be lamellae-like with interweaving cell layers. By stacking layers of collagen film, researchers believe they can replicate the layers of collagen lamellae in the human cornea.
The biomechanical properties of the film-based equivalent were also compared to those of the native stroma of the cornea. In vivo, the stroma exhibits a tensile strength of 3.8 MPa and a modulus that ranges from 3 to 13 MPa. The relaxed modulus of the film varied until the film was fully hydrated with media, at which point it stayed fairly constant at 0.3 ± 0.1 MPa. Upon complete hydration, the ultimate tensile strength of the film-based stromal equivalent was measured to be 0.4 ± 0.2 MPa. The research group does not understand the exact mechanism that links hydration to weakening, but they speculate the hydration period may coincide with unbound or soluble collagen leaving the matrix, thus weakening the material. While these properties are an improvement over the collagen sponge technique, both of values are significantly less than those of the native cornea; the paper did not explore how these differences could affect the performance of the implant.
While collagen films show potential for use as scaffolds for tissue-engineered stroma, researchers must perform additional studies to characterize the optical properties of the films. This research is promising because the films can be seeded with human stromal fibroblasts to create a multilayered implant, thus reducing the need for donated corneas.
Cornea implants are prevalent due to the insufficient supply of donor tissue for transplants. One particularly interesting aspect of the field of keratoprosthesis is the division into tissue engineering and biomaterials approaches. While the tissue-engineered implant is advantageous because it implements stromal fibroblasts to generate a new cornea, it still requires cell cultures for proper execution. On the other hand, the biomaterials approach does not require any donor tissue, but forces researchers to engineer a stroma replacement using different materials than the native cornea, like polymers or hydrogels. There is also potential for the artificial keratoprosthesis to incorporate various tools to improve its biological performance. It will be interesting to see which method emerges as the definitive solution.
It is interesting to see tissue-engineered implants utilized in another scenario, having already read about its potential applications in cartilage replacement and heart valve replacement. However, corneal implants pose many more problems and risks than the other research opportunities. Though the success of seeding a scaffold is important in all cases, biocompatibility and performance take on a greater degree of importance in this case. It is not enough to hope for complete seeding and biocompatibility because any sort of immune response in the eye would be a greater danger to the patient. As seen in this case, the tensile strength of the implant is compromised in vivo due to an unknown mechanism. Do the researchers mention how they plan to continue with their research to address the issues they faced in this particular experiment? Though I don’t know much about this particular avenue of research, it seems that the seeding of these scaffolds with human cells may ultimately prove to be an advancement in biological performance over artificial keratoprostheses.
Regarding future research in the loss of tensile strength, the paper only said "Further studies are needed to determine the
specific mechanism(s) responsible for the observed reduction
in mechanical properties with hydration." I imagine one possible method to test their hypothesis that some collagen may be leaving the matrix would be to fluorescently label collagen and see how the measure of fluorescence changes after hydration. Perhaps they could weigh a dry scaffold, hydrate it, then dehydrate it and weigh the dehydrated remains to determine mass loss.
This paper looks promising as an entryway for more advanced and detailed research and analyses. As with the previous commenter, I am not too familiar with this subject, but it seems to me that part of the reason there is a significant gap in tensile strength and modulus is due to the researchers' exclusive focus on collagen in the scaffold. I would imagine that native corneal tissue would be composed of numerous other proteins and cells. Embedding only fibroblasts into collagen film scaffold might therefore create nanostructures that do not exactly match the nanostructure of the cornea. Have the researchers considered strengthening the film with other proteins such as fibronectin or fibrin?
Also, unrelated to the above topic, but how did the seeded cells align the collagen fibers? That was not too clear.
These researchers did not discuss their future plans to strengthen the stromal equivalent. There are some other groups that are modifying collagen (e.g. cross-linking collagen with chitosan) in order to strengthen the material (Rafat, et al. 2008).
The paper did not explain the mechanism that caused the fibers to rearrange. Perhaps the cells attach in a fashion that moves each collagen fiber, the sum of which results in the parallel collagen alignment.
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