Cell growth: stress and proliferation are related!!!
Recently, I have spent countless sleepless nights thinking to myself, how can I understand epithelial monolayer mechanics better so I can help the sick and the hungry of the world? Well, thanks to Terry and BE115, I think I've found an article that'll help me end my Pursuit of Sleepyness.
Title: Emergent patterns of growth controlled by multicellular form and mechanics
By: Celeste M. Nelson, and others. (U. Penn)
Link to the article
So in BE115, we've been culturing lots of Fibroblast cells. We do bunch of stuff to them and we finally seed them to a piece of plastic, and a week later, BOOM, There they are, gloriously filling up the whole dish. But our observation stops there. We kind of wave our hands in the air and convince ourselves that because of contact-inhibition, there are no more proliferation that'll interest us. And rightly so! With sunny beach few miles away and snowy slopes and fine wine country only a few hours away, who has time to think about these things? Well, Apparently, people in Pennsylvania do. It's winter, it's snowed up to your hip and it's so cold. If you spit, it'll freeze and shatter by the time it got to the ground. So what do these good Pennsylvanians do? They sit in their toasty labs and do research on multicellular form and mechanics. Heaven bless Pennsylvania!
Here's a summary of their work.
Tissue structures can influence patterns of proliferation, and in return, it can influence tissue structures. I.e. there's a kind of feedback mechanism. Traditionally, scientists have thought that most important aspects of tissue structural fates lie with soluble growth factors call morphogens. They are distributed asymmetrically in our body, and these in turn can influence various important bodily changes such as tissue segregation, gastrulation, epithelial folding, tubulogenesis, and differential cell growths.Apparently, though, physical stuffs like shape and stress of the tissue can influence how these changes come about as well.
To test this, they made several microfabricated wells of different shapes and sizes:
1) A square well
2) A rectangular well
3) A circular well
4) A pyramidal mesh
They seeded these with bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (which is apparently contact-inhibited), and they tried to measure proliferative rates. (They have markers that fluoresce during DNA synthesis.) And they found that proliferation is greatest at the (see figure 1):1) Corners. (for square and rectangular wells)
2) Short edges. (for rectangular wells)
3) Perimeter (for square, rectangular, and circular wells)
4) Valleys (for pyramidal mesh)
These are all regions of high tractional stress. But just for completeness sake, they made some FEA models to predict that levels of local tractional stresses and proliferation match. And apparently they do, very well! (See figure 2)
They tried to test their theory that stress is related to (or even causes) proliferation with several other non-computational methods. First, they used elastomeric force sensor arrays (those microfabricated devices with small poles everywhere) and found that, indeed, locations of high stress coincided with regions of high proliferation. (figure 3 B, D)
They also found that when you increase or decrease the internal stress by varying the composition of cytoskeletal components with pharmacological factors, proliferation increased and decreased as expected. (Figure 3, F, H)
Overall, I think this was an excellent paper demonstrating how external factors such as stress and shape can influence the growth of a colony of cells. This is of course very important, since being able to understand and replicate tissue genesis for organ replacement can significantly better everyone's standard of living.
And off to sleep I go.
See you everyone.
Just wondering, have they tested this experimentally on animal subjects or clinically on human patients in which regenerative cells, such as stem cells, are induced with optimal amount of stress to further enhance their proliferation and perhaps improve their ability to regenerate and fix damaged tissues?
This sounds like a very interesting correlation, and seems worthy of further research. Did the researchers investigate how the polarity (major/minor axis, 2D or 3D) of the stress affected the proliferation?
This seems to correlate well with our observation in the lab in which the fibroblasts in 2D monolayer have greater proliferations than those in 3D. I think it is reasonable to think that the fibroblasts in 2D monolayer experience greater stress. First, in 2D there is tractional stress with respect to the plate surface. Second, the crowding of cells at the bottom can induce even more stress, and hence more proliferation according to this theory.
First: I want to make clear that I am posting a comment because I want to support David, "the sleepless man". I really hope that some day he'll be able to take care of the sick and the hungry of the world. Maybe the BioEng Path will guide him towards the light... out of the B-levels of Stanley (where cellphone reception is always good).
I have to say that I agree with David's conclusion. This paper is important on the aspect that it shows how physical interactions with the environment are also important for tissue development ... I'd dare to say from organogenesis to complete organisms multicellular.
As he said: "Tissue structures can influence patterns of proliferation, and in return, it can influence tissue structures. I.e. there's a kind of feedback mechanism." I'd have to say that we 've been talking about this on the biomimetics class, where when scaling many organs and parts of the body, similar results are obtained depending on the dimensions of the organism.Therefore,structuring might be related to a feedback response of the mechanics involved.
It is not anymore a "morphogen thing" alone. Maybe I am wrong (together with a bunch of people teaching and doing research on this matter); maybe it is a morphogen thing alone, maybe the theory of the "The Giraffe's Long Neck" has a true aspect.http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Books/EvolTheo/EvolTheo-02.gif
I think this concept correlates well with wound healing. When we get a cut, the force from the trauma could cause a change in stress and induce some change in our tissue. However, because stress and proliferation are related, the change in stress could boost cell proliferation to replace our old skin. Like David Tulga, I also wanted to know whether there is a connection between the direction of stress and direction/mechanism of proliferation.
I have heard of the relationship between stress and proliferation in most of the tissue engineering classes. However this is really the first time of reading the paper about this. It is interesting to know that they tried so many different shape of microfabricated wells. It seems the cells love grouping together and hide themselves arounf the corner and edge. Good luck on your biomechanic career and get more sleep!!
What would happen if a stress was somehow applied to both ends of a cell monolayer? Would the cells proliferate a certain way (maybe convergent extension) to relieve the tension?
Absolutely hilarious. Great write-up.
Anyways, let's say that a substrate with a stiffness gradient was created that incrementally increased from soft to stiff and then back to soft, but was in the shape of a long rectangle with the stiff section in the middle. What would be your guess as to where cells would proliferate most.
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