Yeast Life Span Extension
Yeast Life Span Extension by Depletion of 60S Ribosomal Subunits Is Mediated by Gcn4
Kristan K. Steffen,Vivian L. MacKay,
Emily O. Kerr,
Mitsuhiro Tsuchiya,
Di Hu,
Lindsay A. Fox,
Nick Dang,
Elijah D. Johnston,
Jonathan A. Oakes,
Bie N. Tchao,
Diana N. Pak,
Stanley Fields,
Brian K. Kennedy,
Matt Kaeberlein.
Cell, Volume 133, Issue 2, 292-302, 18 April 2008
It is well known that reduced caloric intake leads to the extension of life span. For yeast, dietary restriction is mediated by three kinases, that are particularly responsible for mediating various cellular processes such as: stress response, protein turnover, cell growth, and ribosome biogenesis. This research focused on how the reduction of the level of 60S ribosomal subunits in the cell will slow aging in yeast. The researchers studied this by using various methods of inhibiting the activity of the 60S subunits with a small molecule inhibitor, or by deleting the gene that codes for the subunit or its processing factors. These three methods were all sufficient in increasing the life span of the yeast cells.
This paper discusses a particular molecular mechanism that contributes to why dietary restriction will increases cell longevity. The link between caloric intake and life span extension is not fully understood yet, and this was an attempt at identify a possible molecular process that is involved in this process. However, additional information about the cause of cell death was not thoroughly discussed. For example, one theory is that cells die because of the accumulation of cellular junk, which when above a particular threshold level, becomes pathological. With that theory in mind, it would be easy to predict that reducing the level of 60S ribosomal subunit will almost certainly extend life, because less 60S ribosomal subunit means that less translation can occur, which means that there is less stuff that could potentially become cellular junk (i.e. undigestible proteins). This is also an important factor in regards to the 3 kinases that mediate the dietary restriction, because they are involved with various metabolic cellular processes. In other words, it is expected that anything that would slow down the rate of metabolism, would also slow down the rate of intracellular junk buildup, which means that it would take longer for the junk buildup to cause pathology.
Oh no! The authors' names are exploding! Watch out!
If you inhibit both the 60S and 40S subunits, do the cells just die? Or is it unknown effect still?
This is very interesting. I always figured that the more a cell eats the healthier it is because... that's how I think of myself (maybe I don't eat enough). But now, after reading this article, I see how the "cell junk" theory makes sense. I wonder if one could select for genes that code for proteins that break down previously "undigestable" cell junk by preventing yeast from mating until they have eaten a lot and are really old (kind of like the. Then, a super-unaging yeast population could be made!
Back to your article, quick question: If we force the yeast to make lots of 60s subunit, do they die really quickly? What I'm trying to ask is, does it go both ways? Does the removal of 60s cause longevity and the promotion of 60s cause rapid aging?
I would expect that the effect of inhibiting both the 60S and 40S subunits will be devastating to the cell, because translation will be restricted all together. So I'd say that the cells would die.
Yes, eating less makes you live longer! But I suppose you should simultaneously also start breathing less and have way less physical activity... I'm not sure if it'll be worth it. ;)
Also, I really like your idea for a method to select the junk-eating proteins. Actually, current research is focused on figuring out a way to use the junk-eating protein from a type of worm to eat up extracellular junk in the body. If you wanna find out more, check out
As for the article question: Yes, I'd expect that increasing the number of 60s subunits will increase cellular longevity -- but only a little. This is so because more 60s subunits could increase the amount of translation that could happen, which means that there is more production of protein that could eventually become junk. However, this increase in translation may be fairly minor considering that the amount of mRNA produced is remaining the same. So, in other words, it doesn't exactly go both ways, but there is some correlation.
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